92ft² & 24’12’’ by Ivan Ivanovski

Ivan Ivanovski

92ft² & 24’12’’


at Gallery MC

19th – 25th November 2014

Opening November 19th at 7pm


The featuring exhibition is exploring the potential of animation film as a medium within the contemporary art context. It contains three films (Konzo, 5’59’’, People’s Front 12, 10’23’’, and Inside, 7’50’’) together with artworks that were used in the process of making them, as well as drawings from the project currently in production.

Through the media of drawing, film and video, Ivan Ivanovski makes a projection  of selfhood situated in the current concrete societal and social moment. Ivanovski  conveys a self that constantly re-interrogates the existential conditions within the  consumerism, capitalism, deranged values, fears, inhibitions.

Ivan Ivanovski (Born 1983, Skopje, Macedonia) has a BA in sculpture from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje, Macedonia and an AP in Directing, FAMU in Czech Republic. His work has been included in numerous international exhibitions and festivals.


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