Madeleine Hatz – Paintings and video (Project Gallery)

January 12th, 2008- January 30th, 2008

Madeleine Hatz – Paintings and video (Project Gallery)


My work is always a paradox. The paintings convey explosive energy and serene stillness simultaneously. The video of an army of dreamers is an image of a transformative leap. Explosive energy becomes non-violence. Let us imagine peace, a peaceful revolution.

In the beginning there is a dramatic act. It is an urge to gush out, to spill, to regurgitate the newsmedia’s blood, oil,industrial pollution and devastation. This action painting is filmed , and the ultimate result is a dvd and paintings.

“Blood and Oil Spill Action Painting” (4 minutes looped)

The eruptive energy is a catharsis, and a channeling of violence into a form.

The impetus may be an explosive spill, but in paintings color and material become transformed. Thus in ‘Small Red Spills” , the red is no longer blood but a dematerialized poetic red.

Paintings are like songs, “Ode To an Army of Dreamers” is an ode to the utopian vision of idealistic individuals banding together. There is a video clip on my web site ( called “Orange Army of Dreamers” showing courageous people clad in orange jumpsuits, in a choreographed peace demonstration.

In “Catastrophe Series 3”, the title refers to the original meaning of the word catastrophe, which is a sudden reversal, a tabula rasa . On a metaphorical level this is a vision of cataclysmic change and silent explosions. On a literal level, there is a reversal of 2 and 3 dimensional space in the painting along falt lines.

Madeleine Hatz
January 12th, 2008






















“Ode to an Army of Dreamers” , 2007
pigments, paper pulp, oil on canvas







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