

by Shoba

A book in progress

Every day we walk our streets, noticing the many objects, details and

changes constantly transforming our environment. Sometimes these things

are obvious, unavoidable, blocking our path, even, or simply looming large

at the edges of our view. Others are smaller and more subtle, almost

in-perceptible as we quickly traverse our busy world. We’re often struck by

an object’s beauty; other times we see only trash. But all objects — whatever

their original purpose and whatever their current state may be — have

an aesthetic value. Most of us prefer things straight and symmetrical, perfectly

rounded, even, properly finished, free from obvious flaws. But sometimes

an object’s perfection becomes hidden, whether by rust, weather,

overuse or disrepair. An object’s original purpose often seems lost to us:

what was once obvious and familiar is now completely unrecognizable. And

the juxtaposition of one object to another (no matter how random their

placement to one another may seem) can create totally new meanings

when viewed as a whole. These inconspicuous forms are everywhere, waiting

to be noticed.


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Ana Gaceva, Piano