Xhelil Rufati, Reshat Ameti and Rilind Rufati




From the artists:

Artists from Gostivar, Reshat Ameti- painter, Xhelil Rufati- sculptor and Rilind Rufati- photographer, starting from July 15 to July 23, 2019, will present their works at Gallery MC in  New York City, USA. The three artists, also instructors at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Tetova, through this joint exhibition, will present a part of their wide artistic work. The exhibition in this cultural center, which is financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Macedonia, aims to encourage, motivate but above all, to affirm the creators and their Albanian fine art.

While the first two artists carry their artistic experience and background, the third artist, has a young age and his talent. Reshat Ameti, the well-known and certified painter in the national and international artistic scene, who has already exposed his work several times in this same center, this time, has chosen some paintings  from his warm and rich stylistic palette, where his cycle ”

“From tradion” and “ The  light” stands out. Also the proven sculptor, Xhelil Rufati, will present a number of sculptures from the cycle titled “Mythology”, expressed through figurations of geometric, abstract and surrealist sequences. Whereas Rilind Rufati, a talented photographer, will present a part of his photographic work which is a product of his artistic creativity, fantasy and mastery.

The presentation of the diverse artistic work of the three artists in question is expected to attract the attention of American art aficionados.

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